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Lo UAO de la Semana

Would you like to challenge yourself?

Jeopardy champion

Jeopardy champion

Jeopardy time!!!

This is one of the most popular American television game shows created in 1964. The Languages Institute invites students to have an amazing time participating in a team competition where they will be asked challenging questions according to their level.

Don’t miss this opportunity! You are going to have fun and to learn at the same time. Remember to check the schedule for each level.


Time: From 1:00 to 2:00pm

Place:  Aulas 1, Torreon 3


Time:  From 12:00 to 1:00pm (beginners)

           From 1:00 to 2:00pm (Intermediate)

Place:  1203

For more information, contact us at the Languages Institute or at 12130 and 12140 or ask your teacher.

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